Majors & Academics

Nationally ranked

You will receive expert faculty instruction in a wide variety of fields — no matter your path.

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Area of Study Title
Minor Accounting Minor
Major Accounting (BA)
Minor 服装设计与销售辅修
Major Apparel Design (BA) Fashion
Major 服装销售(文学学士) Fashion
Major 应用人类生物学(BS) Biomechanics
Major 应用数学(学士) Actuarial Studies
Minor 适当和可持续工程辅修
Major 艺术:摄影重点(文学学士)
Major 艺术:视觉艺术重点(BA)
Major 艺术史与视觉研究(文学士)
Minor 辅修艺术史和视觉研究
Minor 辅修艺术工作室:二维媒体
Minor 辅修艺术工作室:3d媒体 Sculpture
Minor 辅修艺术工作室:数字媒体
Minor Asian Studies Minor
Major Biochemistry (BS)
Minor 生物伦理与人文副修
Major Biology (BA)
Major Biology (BS)
Minor Biology Minor
Major 工商管理:经济学(BA)
Major 工商管理:金融(BA)
Major 工商管理:普通课程(BA)
Major 工商管理:信息系统(文学士)
Major 工商管理:国际商务(BA)
Major 工商管理:管理学(文学士)
Major 工商管理:市场营销(文学士)
Minor 工商管理辅修
Major 工商管理:公共政策(BA)
Major 工商管理:社会企业(文学士)
Major 细胞与分子生物学(BS)
Major Chemistry (BA)
Minor Chemistry Minor
Minor 基督教门徒课程
Minor 基督教圣经辅修课程
Major 基督教神学(BA)
Minor Classics Minor World Civilizations
Major 传播学(文学士)
Minor Communication Minor
Major 计算机工程(学士)
Minor 计算机工程
Major 计算机科学(BA)
Major 计算机科学(学士)
Minor 计算机科学辅修
Minor 服装设计
Minor 数据分析
Major 幼儿教育及P-3证书(BA)
Major 幼儿教育:无证书(学士学位)
Major Ecology (BS) 环境研究
Major 经济学:商业分析(BA)
Major 经济学:发展经济学(文学学士)
Major 经济学:金融经济学(BA)
Major 经济学:普通方向(BA)
Minor Economics Minor
Major 经济学:公共政策(文学士)
Minor Ecotheology Minor
Major 电气工程(BS)
Minor 电子工程
Major 小学教育
Major 英语:创意写作(BA)
Minor 英语创意写作辅修
Major 英语:文学方向(BA)
Minor 辅修英语文学
Minor 英语专业写作辅修
Minor 创业小
Major 运动科学(BS) Kinesiology
Minor 运动科学辅修 Kinesiology
Minor Film Studies Minor
Minor Food & 营养科学 营养学、烹饪学
Major Food & 营养科学:食品 & 营养重点(BS) 营养学、烹饪学
Major Food & 营养科学:运动 & 运动重点(BS) 营养学、烹饪学
Minor 辅修法语研究 French
Major 一般工程(学士)
Major 历史:普通轨道(BA)
Major 历史:博物馆研究方向(文学士)
Minor History Minor
Minor 历史:博物馆研究辅修
Major 文科专业
Minor 文科辅修
Minor 信息研究辅修:艺术重点
Minor Information Studies Minor: Art History and Visual Studies Emphasis
Minor 信息研究辅修:传播学重点
Minor 辅修:计算机科学
Minor 信息研究辅修:一般重点
Minor 信息研究辅修:历史重点
Minor 信息研究辅修:哲学
Minor 信息研究辅修:政治学重点
Minor 信息研究辅修:神学重点
Minor 信息研究辅修:视觉传达重点
Major 资讯系统(BS)
Minor 交互式计算 & Art Minor
Major Journalism (BA) Journalism
Minor Journalism Minor
Minor 辅修领导研究
Major Life Science (BA)
Minor 辅修语言学和文化研究
Minor Math Minor
Major 机械工程
Minor 机械工程
Minor 辅修音乐及敬拜艺术
Major 音乐:研究(文学学士)
Major 音乐:作曲(文学学士)
Major 音乐:表演(文学学士)
Major 音乐:音乐制作(文学学士)
Minor Music Minor
Major Nursing (BS)
Major 营养及营养学(BS)
Program P-12视觉艺术认证要求 教育认证
Major 哲学:普通轨道(BA)
Minor Philosophy Minor
Major 理念:技术轨道(BA)
Major Physics (BS)
Major 物理学:一般重点(BA)
Minor Physics Minor
Major 以教育为重点的物理学(文学士)
Major Physiology (BS)
Major 政治学:普通方向(BA)
Major 政治学:国际事务方向(BA)
Minor 辅修政治学
Major 政治学:公共政策与法律方向(BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:应用经济学(BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:金融经济学(BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:国际事务(文学学士)
Major 政治、哲学 & Economics: Law (BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:哲学(BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:公共管理(BA)
Major 政治、哲学 & 经济学:社会企业(文学学士)
Program Pre-Law
Program 学前健康科学专业 医学前、牙科前、物理前治疗等.
Major 专业的研究 Applied Sciences-Transfer, technical degree, professional degree, liberal arts
Major 心理学学士:动物行为方向
Major 心理学学士:临床咨询心理学方向
Major 心理学学士:社区心理学 & 行为健康跟踪
Major 心理学学士:跨文化方向
Major 心理学学士:数据分析方向
Major 心理学学士:发展心理学方向
Major 心理学学士:心理科学方向
Major 心理学学士:社会-人格心理学方向
Major 心理学学士:运动心理学方向
Major 心理学学士:动物行为方向
Major 心理学学士:行为学 & 认知神经科学方向
Major 心理学BS:心理科学方向
Minor Psychology Minor
Program 教育学院认证课程
Program 二次认证 Secondary Education
Major Social Justice & 文化研究:高级文化研究
Major Social Justice & 文化研究:社会变革的艺术
Major Social Justice & 文化研究:环境正义
Major Social Justice & 文化研究:调解,和平, & Conflict
Major Social Justice & 文化研究:法律前人权&Policy
Major Sociology (BA)
Minor Sociology Minor
Major 特殊教育:初级认证(BA)
Major 特殊教育:二级认证(BA)
Major 特殊教育:教育部重点(学士)
Major 特殊教育:特殊教育研究(文学士)
Major Student-Designed主要
Major 教师认证
Minor Theatre Minor
Minor 辅修神学研究 Religious Studies
Major Visual Arts (BA)
Major 视觉传达(文学士) 平面设计,网页设计
Minor 妇女研究副修
Minor 敬拜艺术及领导辅修
Minor 青少年事工
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As a student considering or planning on attending Seattle Pacific, 你对PathwayU有唯一的访问权限, our free, 强大的职业道路和学位规划工具!

  • Custom college and career map based on your skills and interests
  • College majors and the careers that could be a good fit for you
  • Step-by-step guide to all the important steps in choosing a college and career
  • 根据您的问卷回答定制结果
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Choose one of the options below to fill out our form and create your PathwayU account.

请注意:如果您有国际邮寄地址, 当被问及邮政编码时,请使用“98119”.  

Choosing a program of study is a big decision, and takes some exploring. 好的第一步是看看网易彩票app的学位课程, 看看你有什么选择.



Join a long tradition of serving and advocating for those who need care and support.

Exploring Big Ideas

Exploring Big Ideas

Guided by our Christian faith, we explore the diversity of thought that defines and shapes our world.

Promoting justice

Promoting Justice

Understanding the patterns and histories of inequity prepares us to be citizens of courage, 能够倡导正义.



Understanding the patterns and histories of inequity prepares us to be citizens of courage, 能够倡导正义.



We serve as we learn to care for the everyday physical needs of others.



网易彩票app的使命是创造和创新, 把美丽和体贴的灵感带给网易彩票app周围的人.



Go ahead! Build on the technical advances of today, creating innovative and creative solutions for tomorrow.



Join us as we bring excellence, compassion, and the joy of learning to the classroom.



网易彩票app通过精心制作文字带来深度和视角, images, 以及分享影响网易彩票app世界的叙事的数据.



网易彩票app一起学习如何赚钱, even while we help change the world and touch lives in the marketplace.



网易彩票app独特的学术模式, spiritual growth, and service fosters a strong community of scholars and friends deeply committed to Christian faith.

Thinking globally

Thinking Globally

Get ready to bring faith and hope as you serve others in unique ways around the globe. 放眼国界之外!



This blend of innovation and compassionate care fosters healing and well-being for those who need it most.



你喜欢科学技术? So do we! 这是你学习、探索、发现和创造的地方.



想要建立自己的学术项目? 从两个可以打开新大门的专业中选择.

西雅图州立大学社区的核心是网易彩票app的教师——他们的才能, scholarship, and commitment to the student experience means you’ll appreciate them as much as they care about you. 透过基督教信仰的镜头来教导, our faculty integrate faith and learning in ways that challenge and nourish students.

Professors at SPU

无论你是在攻读工程学学位还是英语学位, the faculty at Seattle Pacific know how to translate their knowledge and passion into a transformative education that you’ll carry with you for life.







General education

You will begin the Common Curriculum in the first quarter of your freshman year by taking the 大学讨论会, during which you study and converse about an interesting problem or academic topic with a faculty instructor and student peers.

In your freshman year, you will also complete the first of three University Foundations courses. 在这些课程中,你将:

  • 学习和反思基督徒的生活, how our faith is formed, and what it means to live in Christian community.
  • Study the Bible, and how the diverse collections of the Old and New Testaments narrate the story of God’s redemption, reconciliation, 以及创造的恢复.
  • 了解教义 important to Christians and the ways they influence Christian thought and life.

你的第一年因为网易彩票app俩而圆满 学术探究与写作(WRI)研讨会课程.

Two additional Core courses, taken after your freshman year, complete the Common Curriculum. These courses look at the intersections of Christian faith with contemporary society and thought.

  • UCOR 2000 -探讨现代全球体系是如何形成的, with special emphasis on the history and pattern of human inequality that mark today’s societies.
  • UCOR 3000 — Explores challenging questions for the Christian faith that arise from science and modern philosophy. 

The 探索课程, 利用科学, arts, and humanities, provides students with an opportunity to explore how various disciplines understand the world and the opportunity to apply this knowledge to significant social issues.

Browse the SPU本科生目录 这些课程的完整描述和更多.

Close your eyes, spin the globe, and stab a country with your finger.

From Amman, Jordan to Barcelona, Spain, chances are good that SPU students have studied there. 网易彩票app热衷于把学生送到世界各地.

So when you study abroad, you’ll discover amazing places (amazing people, as well). You’ll have a chance to leave your unique mark on a different culture, 然后回家,变得更好.

这里有什么不同? 在SPU你会发现更深层次的 why. 无论你是在厄瓜多尔学习西班牙语, film in Paris, 或者中东的冲突, as an SPU student you join our mission of “engaging the culture and changing the world.”



These programs offer students the opportunity to take SPU courses all around the world, 在SPU教员的领导下. Programs vary in length and may occur during the regular quarter or as a short-term Global Seminar.

Partner programs

从摩洛哥到英国, 从学习法语到机械工程, our partner programs offer an array of different experiences for SPU students who want to spend a semester abroad. You will pay SPU tuition plus an applicable program fee, depending on the program type and location. Students attending partner programs are eligible to receive SPU grants, scholarships, 以及州政府和联邦政府的援助.

Non-SPU programs

If you do not see a faculty-led or partner program that meets your needs, you may participate in a program by directly enrolling at an accredited foreign university or through a study abroad organization.



“Physics for Science and Engineering” is held in an 主动学习课堂. “The classroom is certainly a supportive piece,” says Associate Professor of Physics, Lane Seeley. “But in the end, 真的是人, the relationships, and the interaction within the community that make the biggest difference.”

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Among the best

Discover how our state and national rankings confirm the world-class education you'll receive. See details